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Devil Dog Road: Next Exit

  • Devil Dog Road: Next Exit
Devil Dog Road is a rock band from Helsinki, Finland. Founded 2009 as a quartet and changed to a trio 2016. The name comes from a road sign lead singer/guitarist Hynde saw while driving the Historic Route 66 near Williams, Arizona, USA.

Band has released two albums “Devil Dog Road” 2014 and “Next Exit” 2017. “Next Exit” was recorded in Helsinki and mixed by Eric “Roscoe” Ambel in Brooklyn, New York, USA where it was also mastered. Album was produced and published by the band: Hynde, Tapo (drums) and Pieni (bass).

The guys in the band have tons of of experience of playing in bands and they are now rockin’ out in Devil Dog Road. Playing mostly original songs the band covers all corners of the rock genre sometimes crossing over to americana, country and roots music. Honest rock’n’roll music with no gimmicks. KEEP ROCK’N’ROLL ALIVE!


